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Arts & Humanities

Undergraduate Programs

Unleash your creativity and find meaning in art, history, 生活让你成为一个更自信的表演者和批判性的思考者.

Play Video about Professor sitting in a theatre

We Prepare You

我们的使命是通过语言培养学生对上帝和人类的全面理解, literature, music, theatre, and visual arts; preparing students to enrich the lives of all persons they influence through the context of a liberal arts education.

Arts & MNU的人文学科包括音乐、戏剧和英语. Professors provide opportunities for students to learn, 在课程中成长和体验人类文化和自我表达, experiential activities and performance.

Get Started at MNU

Students on stage performing a play
Acting, producing, directing, or writing plays
Hands raised in worship
Music-Worship Arts
带领神的子民在音乐上、神学上、属灵上、实践上敬拜, & technically
Orchestra playing on stage
Students around a table studying a map
Study people, events, places & ideas that comprise human history
Shelf of books
Reading, writing, interpreting, analyzing & critical thinking
Theatre teacher and students reading scripts
Speech/ Theatre Education
Develop creative abilities & effective communication skills
Teacher and students in music class
Music Education
Teach foundational & advanced concepts in music
Books on a shelf
Social Studies & History / Government Education
Empower citizens to be come change-agents in our society
Books on a shelf
English Language Arts Education
Share your love of the English language & literature with students
Student working at a computer
Digital Communication
Express creativity for the benefit of cultures and communities
Dr. Christopher M. Smith, Director
Symphonic Choir

交响唱诗班是每周一晚上的大型合奏聚会. 交响合唱团呈现与管弦乐队合唱的大型合唱杰作. Recent works include choruses from Handel’s Messiah, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Mozart’s Regina Coeli, and Schubert’s Mass in G.

Heritage Choir

传统合唱团是一个试镜的合奏代表了广泛的专业. It meets MWF afternoons and performs for most choral concerts. Repertoire includes historic masterworks, contemporary music, multicultural music, Broadway shows, vocal jazz, and gospel. 遗产合唱团曾于2011年3月在纽约卡内基音乐厅和华盛顿的国家国会合唱节上演唱, DC in May 2013. Members participate in Symphonic Choir.

Apostellō Worship

Apostellō Worship is a small, auditioned ensemble of drums, bass, keyboard, guitar, and vocals, producing music in popular/modern styles for Christian worship, 在校园的教堂敬拜和社区的教会聚会中提供音乐敬拜领导.

Facebook: MNUChoirs Instagram: mnuchoirs

Concert Band

音乐会乐队是一个由管乐器和打击乐器组成的大型合奏团,在MWF下午举行. 这个乐团演奏了标准乐队曲目和当代作曲家的新曲目. 定期地,室内风音乐也由这个团体中挑选的成员演奏. Directed by Dr. Luke D. Johnson

Jazz Ensemble

Jazz Ensemble is comprised of standard big band instrumentation. This ensemble performs a wide variety of styles, including Swing, Latin, Funk, Rock, Fusion, and Bebop. 乐团成员将即兴创作和适当的习惯风格融入到这个团体的表演实践中. Directed by Professor Nathan Nall and Dr. Luke D. Johnson

Pep Band

MNU的Pep Band在家里演奏足球和篮球比赛,以支持我们的运动队. Directed by Dr. Luke D. Johnson


鼓线与MNU Pep Band一起在家庭足球和篮球比赛中表演. Additionally, 他们在可能的情况下支持其他运动队,并在校园和社区的活动中表演. Directed by Brandon Graves

Chamber Orchestra

Chamber Orchestra includes Violin, Viola, Cello, 和弦乐贝斯,并演奏古典和巴洛克的各种作品, to modern selections. Directed by Katina Bilberry

Olathe Community Orchestra

MNU与当地社区管弦乐队合作,为学生提供在古典管弦乐队中演奏的机会. This ensemble is open to all string players. 当需要乐器演奏时,管乐和打击乐演奏者也有机会参加. Contact Dr. Luke D. Johnson for information.

Facebook: MNUBands Instagram: mnubands

Heather Tinker, MA, Director
Theatre Productions
戏剧系每年至少提供四部作品,包括音乐剧和戏剧,在500个座位的梅比礼堂或亲密的桑德兰黑盒子剧院演出. 我们的改进团队每月表演,我们每年举办几场全校范围的活动, such as Live Clue and a Swing Dance fundraiser. MNU剧院每年都是肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节的骄傲参与者,学生们有机会竞争奖学金和专业剧院的试镜. 可靠的菠菜app我们的社交媒体排练和展示最近的作品的照片! Facebook: MNU Theatre; Instagram: mnutheatre

MNU Arts & 人文系提供两个奖学金机会:音乐和戏剧. 音乐专业奖学金和/或音乐合奏参与奖学金提供给完成学业的优秀学生 Music Scholarship Application Form and perform a successful audition. 戏剧专业奖学金提供给完成戏剧专业课程的优秀学生 Theatre Scholarship Application Form and perform a successful audition.

试镜的经历是一个机会,为未来的学生展示他们的音乐/戏剧技能水平,在未来的学生的主要(可能是次要)表演领域, and meet the faculty.

Audition Dates

All upcoming auditions are in person on the campus of MidAmerica. 如果你不能来学校,请通过performingarts@www与我们联系.bibang777.com.

Audition dates for 2023-2024 are as follows:

  • Friday, October 13, 2023
  • Wednesday, November 15, 2023
  • Monday, January 15, 2024
  • February 10, 2024
  • Friday, February 16, 2024
  • Friday, March 8, 2024
  • Saturday, March 23, 2024
  • Friday, April 19, 2024 (MAX and Pioneer Day participants only)
  • Friday, May 10, 2024
Music Audition Requirements

Audition dates for 2023-2024 are as follows:

  • Fill out Music Scholarship Application Form.
  • 准备一段最能展示主要表演领域技能的独奏. 声乐选段应该记住,也没有要求一定要用外语演唱.
  • At the scheduled audition, 通过各种诊断练习展示基本的音乐知识, including sight-reading.
  • Optional: Prepare one solo piece in a secondary performance area.
  • Percussionists perform on at least two instruments: snare drum, timpani, keyboard percussion, drumset.
Additional Requirements for Music Majors​

Audition dates for 2023-2024 are as follows:

  • Perform a second solo piece in a style contrasting to the first.
  • 如果不是钢琴出身,要表现出钢琴的熟练程度(如果有的话).
  • If not primarily a vocalist, sing a song of your choice.
Theatre Audition Requirements​​

Audition dates for 2023-2024 are as follows:

  • Fill out Theatre Scholarship Application Form
  • 准备两段对比鲜明的90秒独白或一段32小节的音乐剧和一段90秒的独白
  • At the scheduled audition, 准备好分享你的戏剧经验和阅读几个剧本

The Community Arts Academy

Serving our community through musical training and experiences, helping participants develop musical skills and a love of music, 同时为MNU学习音乐教学法的学生提供教学和获得现实生活经验的机会是我们的使命. Join us!

Join In Supporting The Arts

Friends of the Performing Arts exists to promote, 支持和鼓励学生参加MNU表演艺术课程-音乐(器乐), vocal, worship) and Theatre. Choose from Single or Couple Memberships.

Spark MNU Arts Camp

一个想法的火花可以改变世界,尤其是通过舞台和屏幕表达出来的时候. 这就是Spark MNU艺术营的全部内容:帮助学生找到自己的声音,并通过专业水平的技术和实践研讨会熟练地表达出来.

MidAmerica Jazz Clinic

这个活动是任何初中或高中爵士乐团或爵士组合的表演机会. The focus will be on an education-based performance and clinic, 促进积极的经验和发展音乐的爵士习语.

Sousa Band Audition Clinic

这个活动是任何初中或高中爵士乐团或爵士组合的表演机会. The focus will be on an education-based performance and clinic, 促进积极的经验和发展音乐的爵士习语.

KMEA Audition Clinic

这个活动是任何初中或高中爵士乐团或爵士组合的表演机会. The focus will be on an education-based performance and clinic, 促进积极的经验和发展音乐的爵士习语.

The Pioneer Pledge

Peace of Mind for Your Future

Concern about paying back student loans is common. 这就是为什么我们提供先锋承诺,我们的贷款偿还援助计划. If your income is modest after graduation, Pioneer Pledge assists with your educational loan repayments. Learn more on our financial aid pages.

Navigate Your Artistic Journey

Find the arts & humanities program that’s right for you. Talk to your MNU team to customize your journey.